About Us

Anne Rocha
I have always been connected to Joy and the knowing that everything is possible. At a young age I started to deepen into spirituality, mostly because I knew there was something bigger and powerful behind everything, forces that were invisible and that could heal and explain the great emotional wounds and struggles that my family and I were repetitively facing.
Marcela Arantes
I am an artist, healer, facilitator of journeys of empowerment and transformation. I always had a multiplicity of skills and interests, like dancing, painting, creative culinary, healing with emotions, birth and sexuality, yoga; as a spontaneous aspiration to embrace and express my totality

Anne Rocha
I have always been connected to Joy and the knowing that everything is possible. At a young age I started to deepen into spirituality, mostly because I knew there was something bigger and powerful behind everything, forces that were invisible and that could heal and explain the great emotional wounds and struggles that my family and I were repetitively facing.