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Compassionate Joy

Awakening to the Intelligence of Love
Image by Nidheesh Kavalan


Awakened Beings have the Power to Create a World of True Beauty and Peace

In the heart of every human being there is an infinite potential, which is the key to bring an inner and outer world filled with Love, Joy and Peace.​


Within this sacred space there is a seed of Creative Light, the Intelligence of Unconditional Love, and once this seed awakens and we remember who we really are, nothing can corrupt or limit our creations.


We believe that each being that awakens has the genuine desire to collaborate to create a better world, offering their gifts, talents and unique vibration to nurture the dream of living in harmony, love and prosperity with others and the Earth.


Here you will find tools and pathways for activating your sacred heart and connecting to the Source of Unconditional Love. You will find partners of vision and spiritual nourishment, where you can re-establish your hope and expand your leadership for planting, cultivating and celebrating this new world.

Healing Techniques

Want to remember your original vibration?

Know the tools and experiences that support us in the path to remember and embody our true self, and that today we offer as trainings, workshops, retreats, individual sessions, group energy healing and online meetings

Energy Healing Classes | Online & In Person

A world of possibilities awaits you

This is a living platform where we are always adding new classes, courses and experiences, according to our practices, partnerships and creations. We do not intend to just advertise ourselves, because what motivates us is a bigger sharing, as we find a great joy in collaborating with others.

This is a space to support your personal and our collective journey, to activate your own knowing, passions, and aspirations. Check some of the next courses and activities that are pulsating right now!

Next Courses

Large Samanea saman tree with branch in Kanchanaburi, Thailand._the big tree in thailand .
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Powerful healing and meditation technique that takes you into a theta brainwave to access the Source of Unconditional Love. In this connection you will reprogram your subconscious mind, open your intuition and witness instant healings and miracles, learning how to manifest your dreams.

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The Art of Healing

Essential principles for you to improve as a therapist and healer, also anchoring your journey of spiritual development and self -healing.

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Multidimensional Therapy

Enter a multidimensional portal through your heart space that will allow you to receive the amazing healing and support of Ascended Masters, Archangels and Beings of Light. 

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Babaji's Kriya Yoga

Learn an integral Yoga path with the potential to generate great transformations in your life. Its techniques come from an ancient tradition, also known as the fivefold path, which acts deeply on the 5 bodies (physical, vital, mental, wisdom and spiritual), providing an integral development of human potentials.

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Quantum Being

The art of deep listening of the emotions in the body, allowing them to naturally flow and bringing you self acceptance and the freedom of being yourself. 

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Free online meetings offered to thousands of people from all over the world with masters and agents of change sharing their visions and tools to the creation of a healthy humanity.

Global Healing Movement
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Frequencies of Brilliance - The Portal

Accelerate the connection and realization of your purpose, transforming the structures of your life from a new alignment with your Brilliant Light. You will receive new levels of your Light, activated through subtle touches on the body in a work anchored by the energy of Pleiadian and Lemurian Beings.

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Father and Mother Portal

Healing portal with the origin of life, which allows you to welcome and expand beyond the pain of your personal history, creating true bonds of love with your biological or foster father and mother, and receiving the Love, Nutrition and Guidance of your Father and Divine Mother.

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Embracing your Inner

Open your heart by reconnecting with your inner child and be ready to manifest your soul's genuine dreams.

More information soon

Classs & Retreats

Ana Rosa

I have always been connected to Joy and the knowing that everything is possible. At a young age I started to deepen into spirituality, mostly because I knew there was something bigger and powerful behind everything, forces that were invisible and that could heal and explain the great emotional wounds and struggles that my family and I were repetitively facing. 


Through the different healing techniques I learned throughout these years, I could reconnect with the knowing and truth that everything is energy and I started to experience a better and more miraculous life, being able to make peace with who I was and create my dreams.


In the past 15 years I have received training in different and wonderful modalities such as Reiki, Non-Violent Communication, Access Consciousness, Multidimensional Therapy and more expressively the ThetaHealing technique for the past 8 years, of which I have become an Instructor and have been able to help thousands of people. In 2021, after many years of studying and being certified by Vianna Stibal in different countries, I fulfilled my dream of receiving the highest degree in ThetaHealing as an instructor: the Master & Science certification in Montana (EUA).


I love energy healing work because when we open up to the energy around us, we become more aware of God, Creator, Unconditional’s Love presence inside and out, which brings us the gift of feeling belonging and connected to everything around. This is truly a blessing!

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Marcela Arantes

I am a healer, artist and facilitator or journeys of empowerment and transformation. My gift is to create a sacred space of pure love and trust that can accelerate your process to remember who you are and give birth to your true Self. 


One of my foundation tools is ThetaHealing, to which I dedicate deeply as a teacher since 2016; helping hundreds of students to anchor their connection with the Source and change their lives. 


I also guide group journeys of deep emotional healing, sacred sexuality, and regeneration of the heart. Other than working with all these techniques, I am a Frequencies of Brilliance and Multidimensional Healing therapist too. 


As we anchor our real Self we start to collective weave a world based on Love's Intelligence - creating this new reality is my dream and passion, which I also nurture through the Compassionate Joy and Global Healing Movement projects.

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